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Is the Mounting Master skill worth it?

Short answer: no. Well... maybe sometimes. Long answer It's a shame there's so much lack of information about Aerial Style, since it's a genuinely fun and strong style. I think most of this information blackout stems from the perception elitists have about this style being "weak and not viable". "Not viable" for what? For time attacks? Who cares? Most of those elitists aren't viable players for time attacks , anyway. And why people in Monster Hunter insist on blindly following whatever they say without trying things that aren't crtical cookie cutter sets? Go kill things using aerial guns or bow, then come tell me they aren't "viable". I have at least 800 hours on my back playing Aerial Style with all kind of weapons and I have effectively helped many, many teams and killed many EX deviants without carting using Aerial. Of course it is a "viable" style. Even though this style has its pros and cons...

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